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Month of March ~ Grange General Store Sale!

March 1, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - March 31, 2024 @ 8:00 pm

Well, times they are a-changing. If you’ve been in to the Grange to eat lately then you’ve seen how busy it can be, especially on the weekends. In light of the uptick in business that this past year has brought, we are reimagining the General Store space and condensing its footprint to allow for more dining table space.

Over the next month we will be selling off our grocery and purchased inventory and honing in on what we will be able to still carry in the much smaller store area. Our focus will be on Grange made products and merch, Hearth Farm produce and products, and if space allows, some locally made art and goods. We will continue to highlight artists on our wall space and hope to keep the spirit of local art alive as much as we can.

It has been an amazing 3+ years of running the General Store, and we’ve come a long way since those first days back in November 2020. Hard to believe that we were in the thick of COVID then and the store was selling flour, yeast, and butter because you couldn’t find them in the regular grocery stores.  The store inventory changed a lot over the years as we tried to hone in on what our shoppers wanted and needed, while supporting local artists and makers as well. We are proud to say that we’ve easily had over 75 different local artists, makers, and producers sell their goods at the Grange General Store during its time. An ode to this fabulous valley and region, and its talented artists and makers!

So, come in this month and shop the sale for some deals on your favorite products, and also support the local commissioned artists that we have throughout the store!

Grange General Store Hours: Wed-Fri 12-8, Sat/Sun 10-8
